Generate engagement through gamification

Offer an unique digital experience to your attendees combining knowledge and fun through your event app.

Generate engagement through gamification


Offer an unique digital experience to your attendees combining knowledge and fun through your event app.

What is gamification?

Mission gamification

Gamification is a feature of the app that allows you to interact between event attendees through games such as Quiz, QR code and surveys, with which you generate a point count and ranking.

This learning technique aims to achieve better results and optimize the experience of the attendees of the event.

Discover our misions

Providing this feature to the app is a more fun and dynamic way to make your sessions a challenge for the attendee.
Within the gamification function, we offer three different mission types to engage participants with:



Through a quiz of the theme that you consider, attendees will have to answer questions to unlock the missions.

QR Code

Using QR code scanner, the participants must have to visit different locations in the venue to exceed mission levels.



This modality is the best to receive feedback from all the event attendees and change that went wrong. 

Do you want to go virtual? Try a free demo!

Gamification features

Event apps are a good way to include gamification. In this short video, we will explain you all the options that the Meetmaps app has to create gamification activities in your event.

How does it work?

Score system

Points are essential because they encourage attendees to challenge each other with gamification games.


Earn points by performing tests

The goal of the gamification games is to get as many points as possible in each test that the attendee performs throughout the event.

Generate a ranking

The ranking is a scale that collects the data of the game that the user has been making along his path and orders them from more to less points.

Our intuitive panel makes the process easier

From the system control panel you can create the missions with the questions and answers you want about the event. You can choose the number of answers, if you can see the correct ones in real time, and the time limit to answer, among others. You can also download the list of participants with the score of each one.

Why include gamification in your event?

  • Customer loyalty and attraction of new users.
  • Minimize the adoption times of the game system.
  • Animate and do interesting tasks that previously could be boring.
  • Optimise tasks where there are normally no incentives to improve.

"We discovered that thanks to the gamification mode by missions of the app we received more feedback from attendees about the event"

Marina Recio – RPA

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